Tuesday, November 20, 2007


For not having the remainder of the blogs up sooner, they really should be. I'm honestly taking a day or two to relax here at home before I get the rest of the stuff up here.

Some updates:

The absinthe is awesome.
Jalepeno chips are awesome.
A Redwalls fan named Lisa and I hung out in Philly.
I am going on the headlining tour with the boys... tentatively. I haven't acquired a plane ticket yet, but once that happens I'm on my way.
My favorite ninja turtle is Raphael.
I just realized how unfriendly Philadelphians are upon my return. It's extremely disappointing.
Unfortunately, I won't be present at the gallery thing. Please come to the Metro so I can meet all of you anyway?


Anonymous said...

Mike, Justin from Seattle here...... Do you have the new tour dates???? are they coming back out our way or is it a east coast thing. later.....

xtine said...

of course i'll be at the metro. but what is this about a headlining tour? ohh excitement.

i will def say hi at the metro, you seem like a cool guy and you need to me me. lol

Justi said...

I told all my friends about your absinthe discovery.
We are planning a road trip to N'Orleans.

headlining with which boys?

Anonymous said...

Seattleites are generally uber nice... you should come here instead. =]

Ha... ninja turtles!
I'm a Leonardo fan all the way. =P
Though, I think "Raphael" is a much more entertaining name to say.

Anonymous said...

Jalepeno chips are quite delectable. But yay i finally get to meet the man behind the blog ive been reading, Ill be at the Metro!

Keep it Classy San Diego

Anonymous said...

lisa is rad. i can't wait for indianapolis and chicago..see you there! :]

redlipsnpearlz said...

Now that sounds like a great Halloween costume.
...and take your timeee we're not going anywhere.

Anonymous said...

I"ll be at the Boston show :)

redlipsnpearlz said...

you're taking too long posting so i have to make another comment =)
what are you guys up to now?