Friday, November 2, 2007


I never thought I’d be in San Francisco for Halloween. Before hitting the venue we made a pit stop at a costume store to try and work out some quick suits for the evening. I think for the limited amount of time and resources, they did a pretty good job! Logan was a girl, Justin the pope, Rob some sort of wolf dog thing and Andrew a bow tied Viking. We got there fairly early and loaded the stuff up this rickety elevator to the second floor of The Fillmore.

October 31, 2007
San Francisco, CA

Tonight was the second occasion when the venue had designated someone for my job. There was a built in merch guy, which left me with what?! Well I occupied my time with taking pictures, and hopefully you enjoy them. After sound check, the boys had an interview with an Internet TV station for one of the first episodes. It seemed to go over pretty well; maybe we’ll get to see that in the near future.

A quick rundown of the costumes of the evening:

The Redwalls – Various characters.
Rooney – The Beach Boys, complete with a cover of “California Girls”.
The Polyphonic Spree – For the first time ever wore street clothes to the stage.
Rono – ???
Me – I bought a knight helmet, but decided it was tacky and chose not to wear it.
Audience – Ranged from furries (if you know what those are) in the middle to David Bowie on the outskirts. I think I saw a Wonder Woman in there too. What is with all these wonderful women lately?

Overall the show was a hit! It was one of the largest ones to date, and everyone was there for a good time. The fact it was Halloween definitely riled everyone up. I’ll keep this short and let the pictures do the talking!

Bay Bridge picturesque.

SF in all it's beauty.

The fog just... floated.

One of the many walls saturated with old tour posters. I want them all.

Sound check.

Gesundheit. I mean bless you.

Tip o' the cup.

Andrew disappeared before the show started, so while we were looking for him we found this norseman frozen in a block of ice. Luckily he knew how to play the guitar.


Go Pope!

It was a full moon that night... surprised to see what a werewolf ACTUALLY looks like?

Andrew holding conversation with Bowie.

Freshening up.

What is he supposed to be?

Ahhhhh... brothers.


Rob perched above the crowd recovering from that stint of werewolfiness.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thank you for posting those pics. Amazing!